Sunday, June 17, 2012

First Two Weeks in Las Vegas

We have been in Vegas for 2 weeks now, and are loving it!  The area, apartment, and ward are all great.  Here is a little of what we have been up to since we have been here:

Willie's Mom and our nephews came for a visit.  It was super fun to have them here!  Jaime and I found an entertainment center at the Salvation Army, and we all played and swam and had fun together!  I wish I would have taken more pictures, but I took this one of Willie and Jude while we were watching a movie before bed.  I think it is so cute how they are in the same pose!    

Willie's work gave all of the people in his program free tickets to a Weezer concert at the Mandalay Bay beach club!  Before the concert, we went out to eat at the Ghengis Grill, a restaurant down the street from us.  It is so good!  One of my favorite places in Maryland where I grew up was the Mongolian BBQ, and this is just like it.  You go through a line and pick your meats, veggies, spices, and sauces and then they grill it up for you.  I loved it.  We will definitely be going back!  

The Mandalay Beach club was a pretty cool place.  They had pools, sand, a wave pool, and a lazy river.  

Us during the concert!  Neither of us are huge Weezer fans, but we recognized some of the songs and it was fun!

Saturday Willie and I went to the Las Vegas Temple.  

Saturday night we explored this shopping area called "The District" near us that is super cute!  It has lots of fun shops and restaurants, and a park for watching outdoor movies in the summer and fall.  There was also a live band playing, and pretty twinkle lights all over!    

All in all, we like Las Vegas so far.  There is lots to do, and every restaurant or store we could ever want is nearby.  The people are super nice and friendly.  The guy at Men's Warehouse told us about this cool used movie, music, and games store and gave us his number so that he could recommend some movies to Willie, and today after church we got a flat tire and this random guy driving by saw us and got out and changed the tire for us because he didn't want Willie to get his nice clothes dirty.  So nice!  Our ward is so friendly and welcoming, too.  Every Sunday when we leave we are talking about how nice they are!

Willie has been working for a week, and he is really liking his job so far.  The people in his program are nice, and he's been having fun touring a resort every day and learning all about it.  He usually gets to eat at a restaurant in the resort they are touring, and do something cool like ride the NY NY roller coaster, or see how the Cirque de Solei stages work (lucky!).  

The only downside of Vegas right now is the roaches...EW!  I could write a whole post on our battle against them and how disgusting they are.  Luckily we don't seem to be infested or anything, just one will get in every once in awhile.  I hear it will only get worse though until it cools down, then they will go away for the winter.  We are getting professionally sprayed next week and then we bought our own professional strength spray to keep up with it after that.  We also sprayed with Raid, and put natural roach repellents and sticky traps to catch them with all over (we have only caught one so far which I take as a good sign).   So, hopefully we will be good.  Besides protecting our house from the roaches, I have been spending my days running errands, unpacking, and looking for jobs.  We miss our friends and family in Utah, but overall it's been good, and we feel lucky to be so happy with our move!      


Mindy said...

Everything sounds so great for you guys! My boys loved visiting with you. Thanks for hosting them so soon after your move!

We are so jealous you got to see Weezer! We love them! And Willie's job sounds a little too awesome. It must be so cool to see all the behind-the-scenes stuff in the hotels.

Marcie said...

That sounds amazing!!! How much fun!! I can not wait to come and visit!!!! All the food and shopping! Sounds like Willie has a pretty good set up as well. Yay for grown up life. I hear you about the roaches. We will have to compair stories for sure.

Jenna said...

Sounds like you guys are having so much fun! I'm glad it's going so well, other than the roaches, gross! But it sounds like you're getting it under control. :) Call me soon! Love ya.

The Daytons said...

Wow! So fun! How exciting to have all those great things all around you. I loved the update, good luck with the roaches:( You can conquer them! And man does Willie have the dream job or what:) Lucky him! Have so much fun, I want to see pictures of your new place soon, minus the roaches:)

Megan Hatch said...

I'm so happy for you guys! That sounds so great! We have had a few roach experiences and lots of ANT experiences. Sick. I am so anti-bug it isn't even funny. :) We love you guys and will DEF come and visit!!!