For our honeymoon we went on a Carnival Cruise to the Mexican Riviera. It was the best! We'd both never been on a cruise, and it was so fun. I know with time we'll forget the details and where all the pictures were taken, so I want to make sure to write it all down. So, here it is.
After our wedding we made a stop at JCW's, then went to the Marriott at Thanksgiving Point. The next morning we ate at I HOP for breakfast, then started our drive down to Mesquite. Even though we had two long driving days, they were so nice because we just got to talk and enjoy being with each other after all of the wedding and school craziness of the past few weeks.

Willie has pretty sensitive eyes, and they were killing him the day after our wedding because he wore his contacts for so long that day. He couldn't even look into the light they were so bad. It was sad. So, we stopped at Walmart and bought 3 different kinds of eye drops for him, and I drove us down to Mesquite. I didn't want to wash off our" Just Married" decorations just yet because they were so cute and fun! Willie was embarrassed though to be driving in the decorated car while I drove us around. It was pretty funny.
Anyway, that night we stayed in my parents' house in Mesquite (they were not there). We rented a red box, and had Japanese take out for dinner. We decided to rent 2010 (or 2012? I don't remember what it was called) for Willie, and ended up with one of those fake movies that red box tricks you with. It was pretty entertaining because it was SO bad.
The next day we began our drive to California bright and early. I was so nervous about missing our cruise! We made it in time though.

This is on one of our first days at sea.

This was our first formal night in the dining room. The food was sooo good. We got an appetizer, entree, and desert every night. YUM.

The waiter brought us a special desert (on top of the warm chocolate melting cake we had both already eaten :) ) with candles in it and sang "Happy Honeymoon" to us to the tune of Happy Birthday.

After the formal dinner, we went to see one of the shows. It was fun, we're glad we went, but we didn't go to any of the other ones.

Groovin' at a party on one of the decks one night.

One of our favorite things to do at night was watch movies at this big screen theater. Normally it was much less crowded with reclining pool chairs that you could stretch out on and watch the movie. We'd get pizza and blankets, and it was so fun!
Something I really liked about our cruise was the towel animals!!! These two were my favorite.

The cleaning lady put Willie's sunglasses on this one.

This guy was probably my favorite. I'm not sure what he is...but I just think it's so funny how he's leaning up against our pillow and sticking his bum out. I think our towel lady had a sense of humor.
Those are some of my favorite memories from our ship!