Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Close Call

The Kindergarten class that I work in is doing a unit on fairy tales right now. Along with it, we're talking about fiction vs. non-fiction. Today the kids were doing a worksheet on fictional creatures, and this little girl marches up to me and demands, "Is this an elf?!"

I looked at the picture and said yes, it was. She then said, "But elfs are real!! They live at the North Pole and make our toys!!" Oh geez. What do I say?! I can't crush her belief in Santa! I stared at it for a minute, then said, "This is a different kind of elf. The kind that live in the woods..." (I have no idea what kind of elf that would be. I think I was thinking along the lines of the Keebler elfs or something), "...and there aren't really elfs in the woods, are there?!"

She burst out laughing like that was the silliest thing she'd ever heard and was like "nooo!!!", and walked away happily, her illusion of Santa and elfs still in tact. Phew!!!

Heheh I thought it was so cute :)


Mindy said...

You are such a natural with kids! That answer was just perfect. You'd be surprised how hard it is for most people - even teachers - to come up with the right answer in those situations. You are destined to work with kids! I wish you were my kids' teacher.

Jenna said...

Way to go on your quick thinking Gracie! I don't think I'd be able to do that. That was such a good answer! Thanks for sharing, it made me laugh and I just had to read to it to Josh. :)

Marcie said...

Hahaha,that is so cute. Man, you are a quick thinker, I am not sure I would have been able to come up with anything. Way to save a girls dream!

The Daytons said...

I love this! Haha! What a good save Gracie! I wouldn't have known what to say. I love kids. I miss teaching and all the funny comments they make.